Securitymen ‘nab’ 7,862 people for various offences during raids |
| Sat, 29 Nov 2014 |
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KUWAIT CITY : Securitymen from the Public Security Sector arrested 7,862 people for various offences during a series of security campaigns they organized throughout last week based on directives from the Assistant Undersecretary for Public Security Affairs Major General Abdul Fattah Al-Ali. The officers set up 329 security checkpoints where they arrested 21 individuals who are wanted by law for criminal cases and 72 others for civil cases. They also apprehended 104 people who were reported as absconding, 259 for violating the residency law and 44 for drug-related cases. They also dealt with 802 reported cases, issued 1,497 traffic citations, seized 105 vehicles and handled 1,219 traffic cases.